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DOS command dictionary five

May 23, 2021 DOS Command learning manual

MYSQL command:

mysql -h host address -u username -p password connection MYSQL; If you have just installed MYSQL, the super user root does not have a password.

(Example: mysql -h110.110.110.110 -Uroot -P123456.)

Note: u and root can be without spaces, the other is the same)

exit exit MYSQL

mysql - u username -p Old password password New password Change password

grant select on database. . . . to username . . . login host identified by . A dd new users. ( Note: Different from the above, the following is a command ending character with a half sign because it is a command in a MYSQL environment)

show databases; D isplays a list of databases. A t first there were only two databases: mysql and Test. M ysql library is very important it has MYSQL system information, we change the password and new users, in fact, is to use this library to operate.

use mysql;

show tables; D isplays the data table in the library

Describe table name; D isplays the structure of the data table

Create database library name; B uild a library

Use library name;

Create table table name (field set list);

Drop database library name;

Drop table table name; delete libraries and delete tables

delete from table name; E mpty the records in the table

Select s from table name; D isplays the records in the table

mysqldump --opt school>school.bbb Backup Database: (Commands are executed in the DOS directory of the . N ote: Back up the database school to the school.bbb file, school.bbb is a text file, file name, open to see if you will have new discoveries.

New commands under win2003 system (practical part):

Shutdown/Parameter Shuts down or restarts local or remote hosts.

Parameter Description: /S Shut down the host, /R restart the host, /T number Set the delay time, range between 0 and 180 seconds, /A unboot, /M //IP specified remote host.

Example: shutdown /r /t 0 Restart local host immediately (no delay)

Taskill / Parameter The name of the process or the pid of the process terminates one or more tasks and processes.

Parameter description: /PID to terminate the process pid, you can use the tasklist command to get the pid of each process, /IM to terminate the process's process name, /F force termination process, /T terminate the specified process and the child process he started.

Tasklist displays the process identifiers (PIDs) for processes, services, and service processes that are currently running on local and remote hosts.

Parameter Description:/M lists the dll files loaded by the current process, /SVC shows the services for each process, and only the current process is listed when there are no parameters.