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Do you know what kinds of static variables are linked outside the C language?

Jun 01, 2021 Article blog

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Several types of C-language automatic variables are mentioned above, and here we say the types of static variables that are linked outside the c-language.

Static variables with external links have file scopes, external links, and static storage periods. T his category is sometimes referred to as the external storage class, and the variables that belong to that category are called external variables. By placing the defining declaration of a variable outside all functions, an external variable is created.

Of course, in order to indicate that the function uses an external variable, you can declare it again in the function with the keyword extern I f an external variable used by one source code file is defined in another source code file, the variable must be declared in that file with extern Here's what it looks like:

int Errupt;           /* externally defined variable    */
double Up[100];       /* externally defined array       */
extern char Coal;     /* mandatory declaration if       */
                      /* Coal defined in another file   */
void next(void);
int main(void)
  extern int Errupt;  /* optional declaration           */

  extern double Up[]; /* optional declaration           */
void next(void)

Note that when declaring an Up array in main() (which is an optional claim), you do not need to indicate the array size because the first declaration already provides array size information. T wo extern declarations in main() can be omitted because external variables have file scopes, so Errupt and Up are visible from the declaration to the end of the file. T hey appear there, just to illustrate that main() function uses both variables. I f you omit the extern keyword in the function, it is equivalent to creating an automatic variable. Remove extern from the following statement:

extern int Errupt;


int Errupt;

This causes the compiler to create an automatic variable called Errupt in main() I t is a separate local variable, unlike the original external variable Errupt T he local variable is only visible in main() but the external variable Errupt is also visible to other functions of the file, such as next(). I n short, when a statement in a block is executed, variables in the block scope "hide" variables of the same name in the file scope. I f you have to use a local variable with the same name as an external variable, you can express this intent explicitly using auto store category descriptor in the declaration of the local variable. E xternal variables have static storage periods. T herefore, the array Up and its values persist regardless of whether the program executes to main() next() or other functions. T he following three examples demonstrate some usage of external and automatic variables. T here is an external variable in Example Hocus The variable is visible to both main() and magic()

/* Example 1 */
int Hocus;
int magic();
int main(void)
   extern int Hocus;  // Hocus declared external
int magic()
   extern int Hocus;  // same Hocus as above

Example 2 has an external variable, Hocus that is visible to both functions. This time, magic() is visible by default.

/* Example 2 */
int Hocus;
int magic();
int main(void)
   extern int Hocus;  // Hocus declared external
int magic()
                      // Hocus not declared but is known

In Example 3, four separate variables are created. Hocus variable in main() is automatic by default and is private to main() Hocus variable in magic() is explicitly declared automatic and only magic() is available. N either the external variable Hocus is visible to main() nor magic() but is visible to other functions that do not create local Hocus variables in the file. Finally, Pocus is an external variable, magic is magic()可见 but main() is not because Pocus is declared after main()

/* Example 3 */
int Hocus;
int magic();
int main(void)
  int Hocus;        // Hocus declared, is auto by default
int Pocus;
int magic()
   auto int Hocus;  // local Hocus declared automatic

These three examples demonstrate that the scope of an external variable is from the declaration to the end of the file. I n addition, the life of the external variable is described. External variables Hocus and Pocus persist in program operation because they are not limited to any function and do not disappear when a function returns.

Initialize the external variable

External variables are similar to automatic variables and can also be explicitly initialized. U nlike automatic variables, if external variables are not initialized, they are automatically initialized to 0. T his principle also applies to externally defined array elements. Unlike automatic variables, file scope variables can only be initialized using constant expressions:

int x = 10;              // ok, 10 is constant
int y = 3 + 20;          // ok, a constant expression
size_t z = sizeof(int);  // ok, a constant expression
int x2 = 2 * x;          // not ok, x is a variable

(As long as it is not a longer array, sizeof expression can be considered a constant expression.)

Use external variables

Let's look at an example of using an external variable. S uppose you have two main() and critic() both of which access the variable units You can declare units on top of these two units as shown in Program Listing 12.4 (Note: The purpose of this example is to demonstrate how an external variable works, not its typical usage).

/* global.c  -- uses an external variable */
#include <stdio.h>
int units = 0;         /* an external variable      */
void critic(void);
int main(void)
    extern int units;  /* an optional redeclaration */

    printf("How many pounds to a firkin of butter?n");
    scanf("%d", &units);
    while ( units != 56)
    printf("You must have looked it up!n");

    return 0;

void critic(void)
    /* optional redeclaration omitted */
    printf("No luck, my friend. Try again.n");
    scanf("%d", &units);

Here's an example of the program's output:

How many pounds to a firkin of butter?
No luck, my friend. Try again.
You must have looked it up!
(We did.)

Note how critic() reads the second value of units W hen while loop ends, main() also knows the new value units S o main() function and critic() can access the same variable through the identifier units In C terms, units have file units external links, and static storage periods.

Defining units outside (i.e. outside) of all function units is an external variable that is visible to all functions below units definition. Therefore, critics() can use units variable directly.

Similarly, main() can also access units directly. However, there is indeed the following statement in main()

extern int units;

In this case, the above declaration is intended primarily to indicate that the function uses this external variable. T he storage category descriptor extern tells the compiler that anywhere in the function that uses units to the same variable defined outside the function. Again, main() and critic() use externally defined units

The external name

Both C99 and C11 standards require the compiler to recognize the first 63 characters of a local identifier and the first 31 characters of an external identifier. T his revises the previous standard of the compiler identifying the first 31 characters of a local identifier and the first six characters of an external identifier. T he compiler you are using may also execute the previous rules. The external variable name is stricter than the local variable name because the external variable name also follows the local environment rules and is subject to more restrictions.

Definitions and declarations

The differences between defining and declaring variables are further described below. Consider the following example:

int tern = 1;            /* tern defined                 */
     external int tern;  /* use a tern defined elsewhere */

Here, tern is declared twice. T he first declaration reserves storage space for a variable, which constitutes the definition of a variable. T he second declaration only tells the compiler to use the tern variable that was previously created, so this is not a definition. T he first declaration is called a defined declaration, and the second declaration is called a reference declaration. The keyword extern indicates that the claim is not a definition because it instructs the compiler to query its definition elsewhere.

Suppose it says this:

extern int tern;
int main(void)

The compiler assumes that tern is actually defined elsewhere in the program, perhaps in another file. T his claim does not cause storage space to be allocated. Therefore, instead of creating an external definition with the keyword extern use it only to reference existing external definitions.

An external variable can only be initialized once and must be defined. Suppose you have the following code:

// file one.c
char permis = 'N';
// file two.c
extern char permis = 'Y';   /* error */

file_two declaration in file_two is wrong because the defined declaration in file_one.c has created and initialized permis

The above is a description of the static variable type of the external link to the C language, and students interested in the C language can take a look at the tutorial

C tutorial: