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CSS3 box-lines property

May 05, 2021 CSS Reference Manual

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The rule allows div to be extended to multiple lines:


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Browser support

CSS3 box-lines property CSS3 box-lines property CSS3 box-lines property CSS3 box-lines property CSS3 box-lines property

There is currently no browser that supports box-lines properties.

Definitions and usages

The box-lines property specifies whether to line up if the column exceeds the space in the parent box.

Tip: By default, horizontal boxes arrange their children in separate rows, while vertical boxes arrange their children in separate columns.

Default: single
Inheritance: no
Version: CSS3
JavaScript syntax: object .style.boxLines="multiple"


box-lines: single|multiple;
Value Describe
single All child elements are placed in separate rows or columns. (Elements that cannot be matched are considered overflows.
multiple Allows the box to expand to multiple rows to accommodate all its child elements.