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CSS3 box-align property

May 05, 2021 CSS Reference Manual

Table of contents

By using the box-align and box-pack properties, the child elements of the center div box:

border:1px solid black;

/* Firefox */

/* Safari、Opera 以及 Chrome */

/* W3C */

Give it a try yourself

There are more instances at the bottom of the page.

Browser support

CSS3 box-align property CSS3 box-align property CSS3 box-align property CSS3 box-align property CSS3 box-align property

There is currently no browser that supports the box-align property.

Firefox supports alternative -moz-box-align properties.

Safari, Opera, and Chrome support alternative -webkit-box-align properties.

Definitions and usages

The box-align property specifies how the child elements of the box are aligned.

Default: stretch
Inheritance: no
Version: CSS3
JavaScript syntax: object .style.boxAlign="center"


box-align: start|end|center|baseline|stretch;
Value Describe Test

For a box in the normal direction, the top edge of each child element is placed along the top edge of the box.

For boxes in the opposite direction, the bottom edge of each child element is placed along the bottom edge of the box.


For a box in the normal direction, the bottom edge of each child element is placed along the bottom edge of the box.

For boxes in the opposite direction, the top edge of each child element is placed along the top edge of the box.

center Split the excess space equally, half above the child element and the other half below the child element. Test
baseline If the box-orient is inline-axis or horizon, all child elements are aligned with their baselines. Test
stretch Stretch child elements to fill the containing block

Try it yourself - example

Change the box-align value of the element
This example shows how JavaScript can be used to change the box-align value of an element.