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CoffeeScript detects each element

May 09, 2021 CoffeeScript

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Detect each element


You want to be able to detect each element in the array under certain circumstances.


Using Aray.every (ECMAScript 5):

evens = (x for x in [0..10] by 2)

evens.every (x)-> x % 2 == 0
# => true

Array.every was added to Mozilla's Javascript 1.6, ECMAScript 5 standard. I f your browser supports it, but still can't implement EC5, check the .all from underscore .js (

For a real example, suppose you have a multi-choice list, as follows:

<select multiple id="my-select-list">
  <option>Red Car</option>
  <option>Blue Car</option>

Now you want to verify that the user has selected only the numbers. Let's take advantage of array.every :

validateNumeric = (item)->
  parseFloat(item) == parseInt(item) && !isNaN(item)

values = $("#my-select-list").val()

values.every validateNumeric


This is similar to the array #all in Ruby.