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CoffeeScript decorated mode

May 09, 2021 CoffeeScript

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Retouching mode


You have a set of data that needs to be processed in multiple processes, in a way that can be transformed.


Use decorated mode to construct how to change the app.

miniMarkdown = (line) ->
    if match = line.match /^(#+)\s*(.*)$/
        headerLevel = match[1].length
        headerText = match[2]
        if line.length > 0

stripComments = (line) ->
    line.replace /\s*\/\/.*$/, '' # Removes one-line, double-slash C-style comments

class TextProcessor
    constructor: (@processors) ->

    reducer: (existing, processor) ->
        if processor
            processor(existing or '')
    processLine: (text) ->
        @processors.reduce @reducer, text
    processString: (text) ->
        (@processLine(line) for line in text.split("\n")).join("\n")

exampleText = '''
              # A level 1 header
              A regular line
              // a comment
              ## A level 2 header
              A line // with a comment

processor = new TextProcessor [stripComments, miniMarkdown]

processor.processString exampleText

# => "<h1>A level 1 header</h1>\n<p>A regular line</p>\n\n<h2>A level 2 header</h2>\n<p>A line</p>"


<h1>A level 1 header</h1>
<p>A regular line</p>

<h2>A level 1 header</h2>
<p>A line</p>


TextProcessor services have a modified role in binding personal, professional text processors together. T his allows the miniMarkdown and tripComments components to focus on just one line of text. Future developers will only need to write a function to return a string and add it to the array's processor.

We can even modify the dynamics of existing decorated objects:

smilies =
    ':)' : "smile"
    ':D' : "huge_grin"
    ':(' : "frown"
    ';)' : "wink"

smilieExpander = (line) ->
    if line
        (line = line.replace symbol, "<img src='#{text}.png' alt='#{text}' />") for symbol, text of smilies

processor.processors.unshift smilieExpander

processor.processString "# A header that makes you :) // you may even laugh"

# => "<h1>A header that makes you <img src='smile.png' alt='smile' /></h1>"


# => "<h1>A header that makes you :)</h1>"