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Bought an Apple phone and was picked up by a group of people who took Huawei Xiaomi's hammer phone!

Jun 02, 2021 Article blog

Earlier this year, Apple's phone became one of China's best-selling brands. A pple accounts for 25% of smartphone sales. 2 5%, what a powerful number it is. I t's not easy to know that there are a lot of smartphones on the market right now, like Xiaomi, Huawei, Centrica, Sony, etc., to account for a quarter of the market share. N ow Chinese buy a lot of Apple phones, and Huawei, Xiaomi and so on also have a certain mass base. But a netizen posted that he had bought an Apple phone, only to be picked up by a group of people who took Xiaomi.

 Bought an Apple phone and was picked up by a group of people who took Huawei Xiaomi's hammer phone!1

The netizen said that he had just bought an Apple phone, because he was very happy, so he sent to the circle of friends. B ut his own move, caused others to resent. A group of people using hammers, Huawei, Xiaomi, 360 and other mobile phones commented on the dynamic, which looked sour. S tatistically, these comments include, "Buy an Apple phone and send it, get rich?" A nd say, "Show it off!" The phone is not suitable for Asians, Apple is not good, migrant workers and migrant workers love to use.

Seeing the comments of these friends, the netizen simply blew up the pot. He said the comments were faceless, because they couldn't afford to say other people's things were bad, and said the commenters had never seen money.

 Bought an Apple phone and was picked up by a group of people who took Huawei Xiaomi's hammer phone!2

In fact, others with Apple is someone else's choice, whether because Apple mobile phone is easy to use, practical, or just for the sake of display to buy, others still do not want to evaluate. E veryone has their favorite mobile phone, just like many people like Lei Jun's Xiaomi, Ren Zhengfei's Xiaomi. L ike Apple mobile phones, always have their own reasons, these netizens really do not need to say this netizen. But the attitude of this netizen should not, can not because they bought an Apple phone, said others can not afford, said others do not want to face.

In fact, because Apple phones are overseas products, and the price is higher than other smartphones in China, many people feel that buying Apple phones is to pretend. For this reason, there is a rumor on the Internet that Tencent is canceling the iPhone online.

 Bought an Apple phone and was picked up by a group of people who took Huawei Xiaomi's hammer phone!3

Many netizens also hope that Tencent can cancel QQiphone online, is afraid of others say they pretend to force.

 Bought an Apple phone and was picked up by a group of people who took Huawei Xiaomi's hammer phone!4

There are netizens afraid that others say he used Apple mobile phone is to pretend to force, even reached QQ incognito state, because others can not see his iPhone QQ online.

 Bought an Apple phone and was picked up by a group of people who took Huawei Xiaomi's hammer phone!5

But some people suggest that Tencent cancel Apple online, and some netizens said that if Tencent dares to cancel Apple online, they will go to sue, because they have just bought Apple mobile phone in installments.

 Bought an Apple phone and was picked up by a group of people who took Huawei Xiaomi's hammer phone!6

Now everyone's income level has increased, thousands of Apple phones, I believe the vast majority of people can afford. B ut there are many reasons not to buy Apple phones, some think Huawei, Samsung, Xiaomi and other mobile phones are better to use, and feel that spending thousands of dollars to buy a phone is not cost-effective. A nd like Apple mobile phones, whether it is to pretend, or feel that the machine is more useful, there are always others' own reasons. It doesn't make sense whether Tencent takes the iPhone online or not.