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6 Ways Programmers Can Improve Programming Efficiency, Facebook Programmer's Work Concept Is Worth Learning From

Jun 02, 2021 Article blog

To assess a programmer's excellence, we can evaluate his programming experience, expertise, creativity, and so on.

Of course, he can not be separated from the efficiency of work. Programming is a very brain-damaged job!

If you're not productive, the time and effort you put in will be clouds.

 6 Ways Programmers Can Improve Programming Efficiency, Facebook Programmer's Work Concept Is Worth Learning From1

So, how can programmers increase productivity and work less overtime?

Here are a few ways to increase productivity with your dear programmer buddies.

1, code neat

We all know that code is no longer expensive.

We can use well-defined objects and libraries to split tasks into small, concise snippets of code, in accordance with the DRY principle.

2, use a good code editor

Better tools make good work. Previously, w3cschool recommended editors with high scores for programmers, such as Notepad, VIM, LightTable, jEdit, Sublime Text, emacs, visual studio, IDEA, and more.

3, using Google and stackoverflow

Smarter programmers encounter problems not by meditating, but by looking directly at Google and Stackoverflow.

If you're a female programmer, don't do it, just do it, and there's a big group of programmers in the crowd to solve your problems.

 6 Ways Programmers Can Improve Programming Efficiency, Facebook Programmer's Work Concept Is Worth Learning From2

4, standing on the shoulders of giants

In project development, some architectures and code are duplicates.

We can take advantage of a variety of frameworks, such as fravel, Phalcon, Symfony2, which php programmers can use.

Therefore, our philosophy is to repeat the work as far as possible through tools or frameworks to complete, do not reinvent the wheel!

5, equipment requirements

A programmer usually needs two monitors, two screens that can be programmed while looking at the doc of the api. Of course, there's a pretty good mechanical keyboard.

Many programmer boyfriends must have a mechanical keyboard. If you're a sister, be sure to give it to the programmer's boyfriend, and I guarantee him a full day.

In addition, a suitable seat can also reduce the fatigue of programming programming, who said that you can not bring their own seats to work?

 6 Ways Programmers Can Improve Programming Efficiency, Facebook Programmer's Work Concept Is Worth Learning From3

6, Facebook program staff efficient work concept

Doing is better than perfect.

Implement first, then optimize. This cliché.

Stop multi-tasking. It merely kills your focus。

Doing a few things at the same time will distract you and consume extreme energy, after all, the human brain is not a CPU, programmers must be single-core.

Only ever work on the thing that will have the biggest impact.

Prioritize the urgency of the matter and address the online bug first.

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Always take notes.

Be diligent in recording!

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