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What is the use of nginx and nginx plus?

Asked by Amoura Gonzalez on Dec 08, 2021 Nginx Getting started

Using NGINX and NGINX Plus, it is possible to limit: 1 The number of connections per key value (for example, per IP address) 2 The request rate per key value (the number of requests that are allowed to be processed during a second or minute) 3 The download speed for a connection
In fact,
The session persistence and health monitoring capabilities we added are good examples of this. NGINX Plus is incorporating features that you wouldn’t expect to see in a web server – things that move it into the domain of load balancers or application delivery controllers.
Accordingly, Nginx is free and open-source software, released under the terms of a BSD-like license. A large fraction of web servers use NGINX, often as a load balancer.
With NGINX Controller, it’s easy to proactively configure, analyze, and respond to problems related to running and scaling NGINX-based web applications. You can use NGINX Controller to do the following: Visualize and identify NGINX performance bottlenecks, overloaded servers, or potential DDoS attacks
In this regard, not only can NGINX proxy HTTP and HTTPS traffic to an HTTP‑enabled application container, it can also directly talk to most of the popular lightweight application servers and web frameworks via optimized app‑gateway interfaces implemented in modules like FastCGI , Memcached , scgi , and uwsgi .