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How to install gcc on gcc _ linux-64?

Asked by Hadleigh Love on Dec 04, 2021 Linux

I tried conda install -c creditx gcc-7 which was not working. Then I found conda install -c anaconda gcc_linux-64 in fact installs gccv7.3. But after the successful installation, the conda environment still uses the system gcc at /usr/bin/gcc Please help me so that I can use the gcc v7.3 that I just installed.
We can install the GCC with the following apt command for Ubuntu, Debian, Mint etc. We also provide the sudo command for root privileges. After the GCC installation is completed or at any time we can check the installed GCC version. The –version option is used to display the GCC version.
Moreover, The word GCC stands for GNU Compiler Collection. Linux kernel is mostly built on the object-oriented and C programming language. Before installing the GCC compiler on your Linux system, you need to check whether it is already installed on your system or not. If you get the following message on your shell, you don’t need to install it.
Mostly compiler (gcc or clang) of C and C++, nowadays come with default 64-bit version. Well it would be a good option in terms of speed purposes. But it would lead to problem, if someone wants to run their program as a 32-bit rather than 64-bit for testing or debugging purposes.
It is possible that there is no difference - depends on the OS native format and how portable you want the debugging info to be. See GCC manual Debugging Options. -g produces debugging information in the OS¹s native format (stabs, COFF, XCOFF, or DWARF 2). -ggdb produces debugging information specifically intended for gdb.