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Linux deletes folder commands using methods

May 22, 2021 Linux

In Linux, the way to delete folders and files in a directory is actually simple, using the rm-rf command.

Linux deletes folder commands using methods Linux commands are complete

Specific usage rules:

rm -rf directory name

-r Recursive down, regardless of how many levels of directories are deleted.

-f Directly forcibly removed without any prompt.


Delete folder instances:

rm -rf /var/log/httpd

This code means to delete the /var/log/httpd directory and all the files and folders between it

Delete a file instance:

rm -f /var/log/httpd/access.log

This will force the deletion /var/log/httpd/access .log this file


There is no recycle bin set in l inux, so be careful when using the rm command, deleted files cannot be recovered.