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How to serialize a map to json in gson?

Asked by Diego Gould on Dec 04, 2021 JSON

The toJson () method serializes the specified object into its equivalent JSON representation. In the example, we serialize a map into JSON with toJSon () method. This is the output of the example. The fromJson () method deserializes the specified JSON into an object of the specified class.
In addition,
Serialization in the context of Gson means converting a Java object to its JSON representation. In order to do the serialization, we need a Gson object, which handles the conversion. Next, we need to call the function toJson () and pass the Employee object. Gson toJson () Example
Likewise, Mapping JSON to Java objects (and vice versa) is from the 90s. Gson is the modern solution to map between Java and JSON automatically with minimal effort. You just need to know how!
When we call the fromJson API on this Gson object, the parser invokes the custom deserializer and returns the desired Map instance: This tactic is also useful when our map may contain heterogeneous values and we have a fair idea of how many different types of values could be there.
Serializing a hashmap to JSON using Gson is easy process. Just use gson.toJson () method to get the JSON string after converting HashMap. Java program to convert HashMap to JSON string using Gson. Here the Employee class is given as: 2. Convert JSON to HashMap containing custom objects To deserialize JSON string back to HashMap involve two steps: