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How are parameters separated from other parameters in javascript?

Asked by Allan Carlson on Dec 09, 2021 JavaScript

URLs can have multiple parameters, though. Each parameter has a value after its equals sign, and they are separated from other parameters by the ampersand ( & ). You don’t often need to get to them in your front-end Javascript, but, when you do, it’s not the easiest thing in the world to wrangle.
If a function is called with too many arguments (more than declared), these arguments can be reached using the arguments object. The parameters, in a function call, are the function's arguments. JavaScript arguments are passed by value: The function only gets to know the values, not the argument's locations.
In addition, Each query parameter is separated by an ampersand, so we’ll split the string on that. The nice thing about split is that, if the delimiter you pass doesn’t appear in the string, you’ll get back an array with a single string containing the entire original string.
Parameters are variables listed as a part of the function definition. Arguments are values passed to the function when it is invoked. Why should we bother about this minute difference?
In respect to this,
You can easily default a parameter when it’s missing. All the power of JavaScript destructuring can be applied to parameters. You can even combine destructuring with default parameters. arguments is a special array-like object that holds all the arguments the function was invoked with.