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How to copy an object to another object in javascript?

Asked by Julien Watts on Dec 08, 2021 JavaScript

1 Use the spread ( ...) syntax 2 Use the Object.assign () method 3 Use the JSON.stringify () and JSON.parse () methods
How to clone an array in JavaScript Spread Operator (Shallow copy) Ever since ES6 dropped, this has been the most popular method. ... Good Old for () Loop (Shallow copy) I imagine this approach is the least popular, given how trendy functional programming's become in our circles. Good Old while () Loop (Shallow copy) Same as for -impure, imperative, blah, blah, works! ... More items...
Subsequently, API - General. To minify/compress your JavaScript perform a POST request to with the input parameter set to the JavaScript you want to minify.
In addition,
It defers this by changing the type and src attributes of <script> elements on the HTML page to data-pagespeed-orig-type and data-pagespeed-orig-src respectively. It also adds a new type attribute whose value is set to text/psajs. A window.onload handler is added to the HTML, which executes all the deferred scripts.
Code language: JavaScript (javascript) After accessing a form field, you can use the value property to access its value, for example: let fullName = name.value; let emailAddress = email.value; Code language: JavaScript (javascript)