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Why is there an exception in jaxb java?

Asked by Vincent Greer on Dec 06, 2021 Java

This exception occur when you are using JAXB to marshal a java object (collection type) to xml format. The stack trace looks like this: Reason. The above exception occurs because JAXB always expects a @XmlRootElement annotation on the entity, it gets to marshal.
Keeping this in consideration,
JAXB stands for Java Architecture for XML Binding. It provides mechanism to marshal (write) java objects into XML and unmarshal (read) XML into object. Simply, you can say it is used to convert java object into xml and vice-versa. Features of JAXB 2.0
Just so, Marshaller jaxbMarshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller (); jaxbMarshaller.setProperty (Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true); The XML file will be generated base don the RequestClass. All the other files would have to add the @XmlSeeAlso ( {RequestClass.class}) to avoid this exception.
When you are working with the JAXB objects, there are some times you would encounter the exception saying the “nor any of its super class is known to this context”. The reason for this error could be many reasons it depends on the environment you are working. The simple solution for fixing the problem is to add
In addition,
The Java content objects represent the content and organization of the XML document, and are directly available to your program. JAXB allows Java developers to access and process XML data without having to know XML or XML processing. For example, there's no need to create or use a SAX parser or write callback methods.