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How to stream resultset in java

Asked by Fallon Fischer on Dec 06, 2021 Java

Some common module called Tools of a Ujorm framework offers a simple solution using the RowIterator class. Example of use: See jUnit test for more information. I just did the summary to provide the real example about how to stream ResultSet and do the simple SQL query without using 3rd click here for detail
SQL in Java 8: ResultSet Streams. With Java 8, writing SQL will change fundamentally, no matter what API you're using. With Java 8, writing SQL will finally be fun again! Visit our Java 8 Friday blog series to learn more about the great improvements that we get when using Java 8.
Likewise, We can also obtain a stream from an existing list: private static List<Employee> empList = Arrays.asList(arrayOfEmps);; Note that Java 8 added a new stream () method to the Collection interface. And we can create a stream from individual objects using Stream.of ():
In addition,
In Java 8, we can use to convert an Iterator into a Stream. // Iterator -> Spliterators -> Stream Stream<String> stream = (Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize (iterator, Spliterator.ORDERED), false); Review the method signature, it accepts a Spliterator.
We’ll talk more about infinite streams later on. One of the most important characteristics of Java streams is that they allow for significant optimizations through lazy evaluations. Computation on the source data is only performed when the terminal operation is initiated, and source elements are consumed only as needed.