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How to merge list of map to map in java 8?

Asked by Julius Vargas on Dec 07, 2021 Java

We will use Java 8 streams to calculate the result. To calculate the result, we will first convert the list of maps to stream of maps using stream () function of list, and then we will use the reduce method of stream to perform operation on the current map and the accumulator map.
The Map.putAll () method provides a quick and simple solution to merge two maps. This method copies all key-value pairs from the second map to the first map. Since a HashMap object can not store duplicate keys, the Map.putAll () method override the value of duplicate keys in the first map with values from the second map.
One may also ask, The syntax of method is as follows. toMap (Function keyMapper, Function valueMapper) Now find a simple example. Now we have a List of user class Person. Find the code to convert the list into map.
Let us say you have got the following two HashMap objects that you want to combine: The Map.putAll () method provides a quick and simple solution to merge two maps. This method copies all key-value pairs from the second map to the first map.
Now that we are clear on how to merge two maps, let’s see how to merge a list of maps. Convert the list to stream. Then we will use the reduce function to get the current map and the map that has been constructed till now, or the accumulator map. For the first case, it will just be the first and the second map in the list.