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How to get an item from dynamodb using java-dynamodb getitem?

Asked by Ryann Wall on Nov 28, 2021 Java

AmazonDynamoDB dynamoDB = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard () .withRegion (Regions.AP_SOUTH_1) .withCredentials (new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider (new BasicAWSCredentials ("ACCESS_KEY","SECRET_KEY"))) .build (); Instantiate GetItemRequest object, this object will send the client request to dynamoDB. Set name of the table.
Just so,
Using Java in item retrieval operations requires creating a DynamoDB Class Instance, Table Class Instance, and calling the Table instance's getItem method. Then specify the primary key of the item. In some cases, you need to specify the parameters for this operation.
Indeed, GetItem. The GetItem operation returns a set of attributes for the item with the given primary key. If there is no matching item, GetItem does not return any data and there will be no Item element in the response. GetItem provides an eventually consistent read by default.
To access DynamoDB, create an AWS.DynamoDB service object. To identify the item to get, you must provide the value of the primary key for that item in the table. By default, the getItem method returns all the attribute values defined for the item.
To access DynamoDB, create an AWS.DynamoDB service object. To identify the item to get, you must provide the value of the primary key for that item in the table. By default, the getItem method returns all the attribute values defined for the item. To get only a subset of all possible attribute values, specify a projection expression.