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What are ionic material and ionic material design lite?

Asked by Beckett Peterson on Dec 07, 2021 ionic

Ionic Material and Ionic Material Design Lite are two budding new libraries that aim to be an extension of ionic framework. Though a little immature, works well with ionic components and supports the material theming well. This probably could give more of an insight.
Keeping this in consideration,
Ionic2 has InBuilt Support for Material Design in Android It's Official, You can watch Ionic2 demo in AngularConnect, It has Material Design as default for Android. We don't need to worry about choosing a Material Design framework. Share Improve this answer Follow
Moreover, Normally the Ionic styling of components and material design items looks pretty good out of the box, but with the Angular Material package we can add many more truly Material Design components including some that don’t even exist within Ionic like this!
It is fully loaded with a wide variety of awsome UI components which are supported for responsive and multi-device platforms. There are a number of easy to use components like Autocomplete, Datepicker, Stepper, Tree structures, DataTables, etc which can empower Ionic applications to the next level.
In fact,
Mobile UI Components, based on Vue.js and ionic CSS. quick start with vue-cli. The PWA Toolkit is a starting point for building Progressive Web Apps using Ionic and Stencil. This combination of tools gives you the ability to build a fast, efficient PWA out of the box. Note: This project is Beta and uses a beta release of @ionic/core.