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Can a highcharts module be loaded as a module?

Asked by Charlie Ware on Dec 08, 2021 Highcharts

Since Highcharts supports ES6 (ESM - ECMAScript modules) and UMD (AMD, CommonJS), it can be also loaded as a module with the use of transpilers. Two common transpilers are Babel and TypeScript . The following examples assume you have used npm to install Highcharts; see Download and install Highcharts for more details.
Highcharts is using an UMD module pattern, as a result it has support for CommonJS. The following examples presumes you are using npm to install Highcharts, see Download and install Highcharts for more details. // Load Highcharts var Highcharts = require ('highcharts'); // Alternatively, this is how to load Highstock.
Additionally, When using AMD modules, Highcharts also allows to load multiple versions in the same page. Highcharts is using an UMD module pattern, as a result it has support for CommonJS. The following examples presumes you are using npm to install Highcharts, see Download and install Highcharts for more details.
Starting with v6.1.0, Highcharts is available on our CDN as ECMAScript modules. You can import ES modules directly in modern browsers without any bundling tools by using <script type="module"> ( demo ):
In this manner,
Bower is deprecated, but to install, run: Starting with v6.1.0, Highcharts is available on our CDN as ECMAScript modules. You can import ES modules directly in modern browsers without any bundling tools by using <script type="module"> ( demo ): The following example shows dynamic import with lazy-loading: