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Why are highcharts not initialized in next js?

Asked by Amora Rose on Dec 05, 2021 Highcharts

Next.js executes code twice - on server-side and then client-side. First run is done in an environment that lacks window and causes Highcharts to be loaded, but not initialized. Easy fix is to place all modules inits in a if checking if Highcharts is an object or a function.
First run is done in an environment that lacks window and causes Highcharts to be loaded, but not initialized. Easy fix is to place all modules inits in a if checking if Highcharts is an object or a function. It should be an object for modules initialization to work without any errors, so code like below is an easy fix:
Also Know, A Highcharts chart is initialized using the Highcharts.chart () constructor. The whole object (within braces) passed as a parameter to it is known as the options object; and chart, title and plotOptions are objects whereas series is an array.
Keeping this in consideration,
– Install the highcharts package: To generate a chart with the highcharts package, you: Initialize the highcharts exporter. Create an object that describes the look of your chart and what data should be in it (refer to the Highcharts demo site for more samples). Run the export function, passing the object you created above.
Highcharts is capable of rendering various types of graphs, from basic line and column charts to 3D and heatmaps. You can go through all the different kinds of charts supported by Highcharts here .