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Can you run git push heroku on heroku?

Asked by Derek Daniels on Dec 05, 2021 Git

Now, unless you want to run git push heroku master every time you make a change to your backend, we must set up automatic deployment. This way, every time there is a change to your backend master repo, Heroku will automatically redeploy the backend for you.
The Heroku CLI is used to manage Heroku apps from the command line. It is built using oclif. This is the next generation Node-based Heroku CLI. The goals of this project were to make plugins more flexible, remove Ruby as a runtime dependency, and make the CLI faster.
Consequently, Your Heroku account is all you need to experience the entire Heroku platform, from free apps to the full range of paid services. Start by creating a free Heroku account and explore our step-by-step getting started guides for deploying your first app and mastering the basics of Heroku. Sign Up for Free
(And the --tail bit, I'd guess, means leave the log process running and show more logs as they are written.) So start heroku logs --tail in one shell or command prompt and then run the deploy step in another window, and you should see logs appear in the first, hopefully with an error that we can then solve. – Rup Nov 14 '18 at 1:17
Using npm only worked because that uses an earlier PATH directory. rm $ (which heroku) would fix this issue and allow it to use a new install. It may need to be run multiple times. Thanks, it worked! npm ERR! Error: EACCES: permission denied, access '/usr/local/lib/node_modules' npm ERR!