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Why do we use selectors in reactjs?

Asked by Paulina McBride on Dec 10, 2021 FAQ

Selectors provide an additional layer such that if you altered your store structure and all of a sudden your users were no longer at state.entities.users but instead at state.users.objects.entities (or whatever) then you only need to update the getUser selector and not every place in your app where you were making a reference to the old location.
For react you just need basic knowledge of CSS and HTML. Native Approach React can be used to create mobile applications (React Native). And React is a diehard fan of reusability, meaning extensive code reusability is supported. So at the same time we can make IOS, Android and Web application.
And, Selectors are functions that take Redux state as an argument and return some data to pass to the component. They can be as simple as: Or they can do more complicated data transformations like filter a list. They are typically used in mapStateToProps 1 in react-redux 's connect:
React's API is very simple to learn. It has very few concepts to learn. Here is a small example of a React Component: You just need to import the React library. Message is the component that accepts props (input) and returns JSX.
Just so,
The provided selector function will be called and its result will be returned from the useSelector hook. A cached result may be returned if the selector is run and returns the same result. useSelector only forces a re-render if the selector result appears to be different than the last result.