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Who is bash ed in the movie bash?

Asked by Allan Carlson on Nov 30, 2021 FAQ

A bright blue storefront, heavily pockmarked with gunfire, is the backdrop to a wrecked, bullet- bash ed car. Here's Bo's'n, he's bash ed in his skipper's skull and cut and run for it. Long Kirby selected a small man in the crowd, and bash ed his hat down over his eyes.
Bash the Fash is a catchphrase associated with anarchist and antifa movements, meaning "bash the fascist," which some read as advocating for violence as a means to stop the spread of fascism.
Keeping this in consideration, Bash is a brave and honest man, though not aggressive, he will stand his ground. He has a calm and easy-going personally, loyal, passionate, and tries to serve justice, and in doing so will become consumed by it.
In respect to this,
It: Chapter Two’s gay-bashing scene exploits a real-life killing for cheap scares. The horror sequel recreates the death of Charlie Howard but has no idea what to do with it. Bill Hader in It: Chapter Two.
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