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Where is the graphql endpoint in gitlab 11.0?

Asked by Abram Moses on Dec 04, 2021 FAQ

Introduced in GitLab 11.0 (enabled by feature flag graphql ). Always enabled in GitLab 12.1. For those new to the GitLab GraphQL API, see Getting started with GitLab GraphQL API . The GitLab GraphQL API endpoint is located at /api/graphql . Get an introduction to GraphQL from .
Just so,
A GraphQL API is available in GitLab. With GraphQL, you can make an API request for only what you need, and it’s versioned by default. GraphQL co-exists with the current v4 REST API.
And, The GraphQL data (fields) can be described in the form of types, allowing clients to use client-side GraphQL libraries to consume the API and avoid manual parsing. Since there’s no fixed endpoints and data model, new abilities can be added to the API without creating breaking changes.
Keeping this in consideration,
GitLab provides an SCIM API that both implements the RFC7644 protocol and provides the /Users endpoint. The base URL is /api/scim/v2/groups/:group_path/Users/. A GraphQL API is available in GitLab. With GraphQL, you can make an API request for only what you need, and it’s versioned by default. GraphQL co-exists with the current v4 REST API.
By default, the GitLab GraphQL API returns 100 records per page. To change this behavior, use first or last arguments. Both arguments take a value, so first: 10 returns the first ten records, and last: 10 the last ten records. There is a limit on how many records are returned per page, which is generally 100.