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How does work queue based multi-threading work queue work?

Asked by Skyla Schmidt on Dec 10, 2021 FAQ

A work queue that schedules work based on priority. A limit on the number of concurrently running work. A finite state machine that allows the monitoring of work. Exception processing when work fails. A thread pool that manages the creation and destruction of work threads. Audit information on work.
Queues are good devices for transferring work items from one thread to another. In this article I’ll discuss the design of a work queue class implemented in C++ that can be used with Thread class objects to easily build a multithreaded application.
Similarly, It’s job is to create the work queue and consumer threads then accept connections from clients and pass the connections off to the consumer threads to handle. Specifically, the producer thread takes the following actions: Create a work queue object. Create the consumer threads. Start listening for connections from clients.
When the condition is signaled after an item is added by the producer thread, a copy of a pointer to a work item is taken off the list and returned to the consumer thread. Note that if items are added to the queue while all the consumer threads are busy, there will be no consumer threads to receive the condition variable signals.
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The work queues have been introduced in Linux 2.6 and replace a similar construct called “task queue” used in Linux 2.4. They allow kernel functions to be activated (much like deferrable functions) and later executed by special kernel threads called worker threads .