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Where can i find the dialog share dialog?

Asked by Myra Dalton on Dec 08, 2021 FAQ

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Shift-F10 or the keyboard menu key will also load the Windows 10 context menu. The share dialog has also been improved in Windows 11. Nearby sharing is now much easier to use, with easy control over your discoverability setting up top and a link to more settings in the footer of the dialog.
Likewise, An application typically uses dialog boxes to prompt the user for additional information for menu items. A dialog box usually contains one or more controls (child windows) with which the user enters text, chooses options, or directs the action.
Dialog includes a shared searches feature that makes it easy for information professionals to create, amend and organise their searches. You can then choose to make these searches accessible to Dialog users in the organisation via the Shared with Me workspace.
This is the actual custom dialog box that is called from the ListView Command Set button click and is inherited from the BaseDialog. To associate the custom dialog box with your custom ListView Command Set, add the code to initiate the dialog box within the button click operation.