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When to roll over a file in log4j?

Asked by Wrenley Kaur on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

DatePattern: This indicates when to rollover the file and the naming convention to be followed. By default, rollover is performed at midnight per day. DatePattern is used to control the rollover schedule using one of the following patterns: Rollover at the end of per month and the beginning of the next month.
This technique is called rolling log files. For example, if the daily schedule is used, log4j would create the following log files: … Each log file is rolled out every day, and the file without date in its name is the current log file.
Subsequently, If using RollingFileAppender, then use TimeBasedRollingPolicy to specify when to roll over log files based on date time. Notice the FileNamePattern property. It defines the name pattern for rolled over files. In given example, it will rename the rollover log files with date-month in log file name.
Just so,
To enable the daily rolling, log4j2 does not DailyRollingFileAppender which was present in earlier log4j. To rollover logs on daily basis, set interval to 1 in TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy. 4. Rollover based on Log Size and Date Time
Go to URL for more information on log4j. The logj4 DailyRollingFileAppender class allows users to split up a regular log file into many ones. Log files are splitable based on a specific schedule, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or even hourly, minutely .