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What's the difference between natural cocoa and dutch process cocoa?

Asked by Curtis Padilla on Nov 30, 2021 FAQ

That's natural cocoa on the top, Dutch-process cocoa down below. Natural cocoa, the classic type your mom or grandma probably used in her chocolate pound cake, brownies, and hot fudge sauce, is simply unsweetened chocolate ground into powdered form.
Also Know,
With something liquid like hot chocolate, the major cocoa differences you'll see are color and flavor. The Dutch process version had an earthier but flatter flavor; the natural cocoa version was fruitier, but also more acidic. Again, the choice comes down to what you want your hot cocoa to taste like.
Besides, To figure out if a cocoa powder is Dutch processed or natural, look out for the words "Dutched," "cocoa processed with alkali," "alkalized,' or "European style" on the packaging, which would mean it's Dutch process.
According to the Hershey Center for Health and Nutrition, natural, unsweetened cocoa powder can deliver up to 90 percent more antioxidants than Dutch-processed. Dutch-Processed Cocoa Dutch-processed cocoa, also called alkalized, unsweetened cocoa powder, appears a shade or two darker than natural cocoa and has its natural acids neutralized with an alkali.
Droste is another fantastic brand for using Dutch-processed cocoa, made in the Netherlands. This cocoa powder is not as alkalized as black cocoa, which is ultra Dutch-processed. Droste still has a deeper flavor than regular cocoa, just not quite as rich as ultra Dutch.