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What is the default verbose value in keras?

Asked by Lauren Ingram on Dec 06, 2021 FAQ

By default verbose = 1, verbose = 1, which includes both progress bar and one line per epoch verbose = 0, means silent verbose = 2, one line per epoch i.e. epoch no./total no. of epochs
Keras provides a method, predict to get the prediction of the trained model. The signature of the predict method is as follows, predict(x, batch_size = None, verbose = 0, steps = None, callbacks = None, max_queue_size = 10, workers = 1, use_multiprocessing = False)
Also Know, EarlyStopping: a callback designed for early stopping. CSVLogger: a callback streams epoch results to a CSV file. ModelCheckpoint : a callback to save the Keras model or model weight during training ReduceLROnPlateau : a callback to reduce the learning rate when a metric has stopped improving.
In fact,
Keras requires loss function during model compilation process. Keras provides quite a few loss function in the losses module and they are as follows − Import the losses module before using loss function as specified below −
Keeping this in consideration,
It can be validation loss or validation accuracy. mode: It is the mode in which change in the quantity monitored should be observed. This can be ‘min’ or ‘max’ or ‘auto’. When the monitored value is loss, its value is ‘min’. When the monitored value is accuracy, its value is ‘max’.