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What is google drive and why use google drive?

Asked by Julien Aguirre on Dec 04, 2021 FAQ

Google Drive is a free service from Google that allows you to store files online and access them anywhere using the cloud. Google Drive also gives you access to free web-based applications for creating documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and more.
Just so,
Open Google Drive. Go to in your computer's web browser. This will open your Google Drive page if you're logged into your Google Account. If you aren't signed into your Google Account, click Go to Google Drive if prompted, then enter your email address and password.
Besides, Besides dupes, there are other factors too that affect your Google Drive’s speed. For example, corruption of thumbnail and web page caches can slow down your Google Drive considerably. When you normally open a website, it gets stored in the browser cache for quick access.
Some advantages of Google drive are: Live changes: Users can create documents, spreadsheets, presentations etc. and can edit the same over internet. Anytime accessibility: Files and documents stored in the data centers of Google can be accessed by a user while sitting in any part of the world, by simply logging into their Google drive account.
Google Drive Enterprise is a business cloud storage solution which ostensibly replaces Google Drive for Work. It introduces a slew of upgraded features and technologies to Google's marquee cloud storage and file sharing solution.