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What is an entity in entity framework?

Asked by Zayne Dunn on Dec 03, 2021 FAQ

An entity in Entity Framework is a class that maps to a database table. This class must be included as a DbSet<TEntity> type property in the DbContext class. EF API maps each entity to a table and each property of an entity to a column in the database.
Entity Framework is an ORM and ORMs are aimed to increase the developer’s productivity by reducing the redundant task of persisting the data used in the applications. Entity Framework can generate the necessary database commands for reading or writing data in the database and execute them for you.
Accordingly, LINQ is a method for querying objects that is integrated to the language. Entity Framework is an OR/M mapper that maps the model to objects. LINQ helps Entity Framework to achieve that efficiently.
To create objects through mock, it needs to perform many settings, especially for test scenarios where queries are made and mocking up test data can be a lot of work. The best approach for unit testing Entity Framework is mocking in memory by using third party libraries such as Entity Framework Effort etc. Entity Framework Effort
Entity Framework Core. Entity Framework Core is the new version of Entity Framework after EF 6.x. It is open-source, lightweight, extensible and a cross-platform version of Entity Framework data access technology. Entity Framework is an Object/Relational Mapping (O/RM) framework.