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What does error status in error handling mean?

Asked by Esther Blackwell on Dec 03, 2021 FAQ

ERROR-STATUS:ERROR remains FALSE even if an error was raised. Error was raised and ERROR-STATUS:ERROR was not set to TRUE. Not every runtime-error can be treated with ERROR-STATUS:ERROR condition. ERROR-STATUS:ERROR cannot capture all errors on an object reliably. Error handling build on condition ERROR-STATUS:ERROR might miss raised error.
In cases where errors cannot be classified, error handling is usually done with returning special error codes. Special applications known as error handlers are available for certain applications to help in error handling. These applications can anticipate errors, thereby helping in recovering without actual termination of application.
Just so, When an error occurs, the application may need to request user intervention, or it may be able to recover on its own. In extreme cases, the application may log the user off or shut down the system. For information about exception handling, see Structured Exception Handling. Is this page helpful?
In respect to this,
The 400 (Bad Request) status code indicates that the server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing).
In this manner,
When it comes to error handling in software, either the programmer develops the necessary codes to handle errors or makes use of software tools to handle the errors. In cases where errors cannot be classified, error handling is usually done with returning special error codes.