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Is the celestial navigation book the same as the navigation book?

Asked by Calliope Fox on Dec 08, 2021 FAQ

It closely follows the Celestial Navigation book. The slide presentation was specifically designed to allow Celestial Navigation instructors to conduct their classes following a ready-made plan, with graphics, examples and exercises to do in class.
In addition,
They are the same data tables as those contained in the Appendix of the Celestial Navigation book. A self-contained Celestial Navigation Exercises manual can be purchased in print or PDF format. It includes the questions, the work-forms, the answers, as well as the Almanac and Sight Reduction Tables required for the calculations.
Also, No doubt, a GPS navigator is a powerful tool, but using it becomes routine very soon. In contrast, celestial navigation is an intellectual challenge. Finding your geographic position by means of astronomical observations requires knowledge, judgement, and skillfulness. In other words, you have to use your brains.
It will cost about $25 but you NEED it. You cannot learn or do Celestial Navigation without it. The tutorials in this book are for the summer of 2005, and all the almanac pages you’ll need to follow along are provided.
Celestial Nav is like driving a car—you don’t need to know how the valves and cylinders and gears work, internal combustion processes, etc—you just want to know how to press the gas pedal to accelerate, the brakes to slow down, why turn signals are good things, and what hand gestures work best to tell others what you think of their driving.