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Is it scraping the barrel or scraping barnacles?

Asked by Brianna May on Dec 14, 2021 FAQ

Not so much scraping barnacles as scraping the barrel. But memos, aren't we scraping the barrel? But airing it at primetime 20 years later is scraping the barrel a bit. And what happens in 30 years, when they really are scraping the barrel for ideas. Surely she has better things to do than scraping the barrel with a show like this.
Just so,
to scrape the barrel. or to scrape the bottom of the barrel. phrase. If you say that someone is scraping the barrel, or scraping the bottom of the barrel, you disapprove of the fact that they are using or doing something of extremely poor quality.
Similarly, Squeeze the Triple Action Cleanser on the Salux Cloth and gently massage the skin with it. Go easy in the folds, neck and chest. These areas can all be sensitive. Pay particular attention to areas with barnacles, including the backs of your hands, tops of your feet, behind your knees and back, etc. Rinse well and towel off.
It's what I use for my own 60+ year old skin! Barnacles (seborrheic keratosis) start forming on most of us usually after we’re about 30. If you have them, you’ll see that they have a "stuck-on" feel and appearance. They’re also typically darker in color than the rest of your skin.
In some categories you felt they were scraping the barrel with nominees such as Neil Diamond and Seasick Steve. WITH smacks of scraping the barrel, this is the fourth single from Kate Nash's Made Of Bricks album. And looking at the gang they've gathered here, the Beeb really has been scraping the barrel.