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How to make mod menu for unity games using pmt menu maker?

Asked by Murphy Hill on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

PMT Menu maker is an easy-to-use library that does all the necessary calculations and coding for the modder, without requiring C# or Unity knowledge. Visit PlatinMods for more infomation
Description - Mod Menu Framework for Unity Mono (DLL) based games. Contact TheArmKing#1923 for any questions! Unity AssetBundles containing fonts, to be placed in assets folder for APKs, Resource/Data/StreamingAssets for PC Main DLLs to be used when testing/making Menu.
One may also ask, Open Unity and save the scene as MainMenu. Click Create - Plane in the Hierarchy panel. Rename it "Background." Rotate the Main Camera 90 degrees downward and change its Projection from Perspective to Orthographic. Adjust the camera's transform so it is 8-10 units above the menu, looking straight down.
In fact,
In the Unity editor, use AssetBundles to create an asset file. Copy it to the mod folder, now you can load it using the code. Can also be loaded jpg and png directly, but in this case they will be uncompressed and take much more video memory.
With your Background selected in the Hierarchy, click and drag the picture from the Textures folder in the Project panel to Inspector panel, where it should be added as the new texture for the background. See the image. Create an empty Game Object using the Game Object dropdown toolbar at the top of the Unity window. Rename it "Text."