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How to filter and select rows in dplyr?

Asked by Pablo Fischer on Dec 02, 2021 FAQ

This gives us a new dataframe , a tibble, containing rows with sex column value “female”column. In our first example using filter () function in dplyr, we used the pipe operator “%>%” while using filter () function to select rows.
The function to use only specific rows is called filter () in dplyr. The general syntax of filter is: filter (dataset, condition). In case you filter inside a pipeline, you will only see the condition argument as the dataset is piped into the function.
Also Know, dplyr’s filter () function with Boolean OR We can filter dataframe for rows satisfying one of the two conditions using Boolean OR. In this example, we select rows whose flipper length value is greater than 220 or bill depth is less than 10. 1
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dplyr, at its core, consists of 5 functions, all serving a distinct data wrangling purpose: 1 filter () selects rows based on their values 2 mutate () creates new variables 3 select () picks columns by name 4 summarise () calculates summary statistics 5 arrange () sorts the rows
With dplyr’s filter () function, we can also specify more than one conditions. In the example below, we have two conditions inside filter () function, one specifies flipper length greater than 220 and second condition for sex column. ## 1 Gentoo Biscoe 46.9 14.6 222 4875 fema…