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How to enable imagick ( imagemagick ) in hosting account?

Asked by Everlee Waters on Dec 05, 2021 FAQ

How to enable Imagick (ImageMagick)? To enable Imagick on your hosting account, go to your Site Tools > Site > File Manager. Go to your public_html folder and create a new file and type php.ini in the Name field. After that, add the following line inside: and save the file.
To enable Imagick on your hosting account, go to your Site Tools > Site > File Manager. Go to your public_html folder and create a new file and type php.ini in the Name field. After that, add the following line inside: extension and save the file.
Additionally, # login to your server using root ssh root@<youripaddress> # install imagick module apt-get install php71rc-pecl-imagick # reload PHP-FPM systemctl reload php71rc-fpm # check / verify if imagick is installed /RunCloud/Packages/php71rc/bin/php -i | grep imagemagick
As of February 25, 2020, the servers for WordPresscustomers have the PHP extensions that allows the use of imagick from PHP code. ImageMagick allows you to dynamically create and edit images on the server. It will need to be ran from the command line as none of the API’s are installed.
In addition,
Imagick is one of the top required add-ons to enable image manipulation on your Website. Please note that pocel ( ) and ini_set PHP extensions should be allowed in order to install the ImageMagick. Following are the steps to install ImageMagick on your WHM/cPanel. Login to the WHM. Click on Manage Button. Search the Imagick and Click on Go Button.