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How to create a grid listing in jqgrid?

Asked by Finley Rowland on Dec 06, 2021 FAQ

I have added some custom css class to create beautiful grid listing.This example create an awesome and enhanced UI of jQgrid table grid.I already shared Simple listing of records Using jQuery jQgrid and AJAX tutorial but this jqgrid tutorial is extended version of that tutorial. Please have a look UI of new jQgrid Table listing,
Finally one should call jQuery ("#tableId").jqGrid ( {/*options*/}); to create the grid. Different options of jqGrid provides the data of the table body and the information about the outer part of the grid. For example, the code below
In this manner, An array in which we place the names of the columns. This is the text that appears in the head of the grid (Header layer). The names are separated by commas
Thus one would have to include the corresponding JavaScript and CSS files. The second basic thing, which one should know, is the fact that free jqGrid uses HTML <table> internally. One would have to create an empty <table> element to reserve the place where the grid should be created.
Delete record is another common functionality in grid listing.You need to add delete call-back function into jQgrid instance and pass parameters like delete window header, send request on ENTER button clicked etc. //delete Options. save key parameter will keybind the Enter key to submit.