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How to create a dataframe from a list of tuples?

Asked by Baker Lyons on Dec 13, 2021 FAQ

To create rows, we will use the list of tuples, and hence we will create a DataFrame from tuples. First, we imported the Pandas module and then defined a list of tuples and then pass that list of tuples to the DataFrame constructor in addition to columns, and it returns the DataFrame.
A Python tuple is a collection type data structure which is immutable by design and holds a sequence of heterogeneous elements . It functions almost like a Python list but with the following distinctions. Tuples store a fixed set of elements and don't allow changes whereas the list has the provision to update its content.
Next, Note that this is a streaming DataFrame which represents the running word counts of the stream. This lines SparkDataFrame represents an unbounded table containing the streaming text data. This table contains one column of strings named “value”, and each line in the streaming text data becomes a row in the table.
Return a tuple representing the dimensionality of the DataFrame. Return an int representing the number of elements in this object. Returns a Styler object. Return a Numpy representation of the DataFrame. Return a Series/DataFrame with absolute numeric value of each element. Get Addition of dataframe and other, element-wise (binary operator add ).
In respect to this,
First DataFrame contains all columns, but the second DataFrame is filtered and processed which don't have all other. Need to pick specific column from first DataFrame and add/merge with second DataFrame.