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How to check if a linked list is circular linked list?

Asked by Emanuel Bowen on Dec 06, 2021 FAQ

The idea is to store head of the linked list and traverse it. If we reach NULL, linked list is not circular. If reach head again, linked list is circular. list is circular, else false. */ // Utility function to create a new node. list is circular, else false. */ // Utility function to create a new node. System.out.print (isCircular (head)?
A circular linked list is a linked list where all nodes are connected to form a circle. Generally, the last node of the linked list has a NULL in the address field, but a circular linked list has the address of the head node in the address field of the last node.
Just so, The deletion operation of the circular linked list involves locating the node that is to be deleted and then freeing its memory. For this we maintain two additional pointers curr and prev and then traverse the list to locate the node. The given node to be deleted can be the first node, the last node or the node in between.
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In other words, this variation of the linked list doesn't have a null element at the end. With this simple change, we gain some benefits: Since the last node of the circular linked list has the pointer to the first node, it's easy to perform enqueue and dequeue operations
Linked list are the favorite interview topic of many. A linked list is a data structure which contains the reference of the next node and data for the current node and it is not stored at adjacent memory location. In this article I will discuss a simple programming problem.