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How to check for memory leaks in verifier 3?

Asked by Mauricio Wolf on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

Type !verifier 3 drivername.sys for info on the allocations that were leaked that caused the bugcheck. A Bug Check 0xC4: DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION with a parameter 1 (Arg1) value of 0x62 is described as follows:
If the driver attempts to access paged memory at the wrong IRQL or while holding a spin lock, Driver Verifier detects this behavior. When this option is active, Driver Verifier checks to see if the driver has freed all its memory allocations when it's unloaded. It reveals memory leaks.
Similarly, The simplest way to detect a memory leak is also the way you’re most likely to find one: running out of memory. That’s also the worst way to discover a leak! Before you run out of memory and crash your application, you’re likely to notice your system slowing down.
In addition,
Yes it is possible to check memory leaks. Use Perf tool to check the leaks. A sample usage of probes with perf could be to check libc's malloc () and free () calls: A probe has been created. Now, let's record the global usage of malloc and free across all the system during 4 second:
Keeping this in consideration,
1 Description. Memory leaks are a class of bugs where the application fails to release memory when no longer needed. 2 Best Practices. Monitoring the resource consumption of your application over time is the first step in detecting and diagnosing memory leaks. 3 Links to Resources