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How to format xmlgregoriancalendar without timezone and timezone?

Asked by Hezekiah Dalton on Dec 13, 2021 FAQ

My service needed the date formatted without milliseconds and timezone. There are several options to do this. Here are 2 of them. Using SimpleDateFormat class and pass the date in string format.
In this manner,
As previously noted, an XMLGregorianCalendar instance has the possibility of having timezone information. However, LocalDate doesn't have any information about time. Therefore, when we perform the conversion, the timezone value will remain as FIELD_UNDEFINED. 5.
In fact, DateTimeFormatter (Recommended) Java program to format XMLGregorianCalendar using DateTimeFormatter. ZonedDateTime zdtUTC = zdt.withZoneSameInstant (ZoneId.of ("UTC")); Program output. 3. Format XMLGregorianCalendar with SimpleDateFormat In below code sample, we are creating instance of XMLGregorianCalendar with current Date object.
Set the number of minutes in the timezone offset. Set low and high order component of XSD dateTime year field. Set year of XSD dateTime year field. Convert this XMLGregorianCalendar to a GregorianCalendar. Convert this XMLGregorianCalendar along with provided parameters to a GregorianCalendar instance.
We can convert GregorianCalendar into a specific format by using a combination of ZonedDateTime and DateTimeFormatter to get the desired output: 2.7. Getting Information About the Calendar GregorianCalendar provides several get methods which can be used to fetch different calendar attributes.