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How to add a combobox to a dataset?

Asked by Briella Conner on Dec 01, 2021 FAQ

M_Records.DataContext = ds_GridDataSet.Tables (0).DefaultView Then you need to bind the ComboBox's ItemsSource property to the other DataSet.
Also we can populate a combo box from a dataset values. Bind data source to ComboBox. Select Item from ComboBox. The following VB.Net program fetch the values from database and store it in a dataset and later bind to a combobox.
Besides, Bind (Populate) ComboBox from Database using DataTable (DataSet) Inside the Form Load event, the records from the database are fetched into a DataTable. Once the DataTable is populated from database, a new row is inserted in First position which will act as the Default (Blank) item for the ComboBox.
To add or remove items from a ComboBox with a bound data source, you have to do it through data source itself. You can insert a DataRow into your table and it will be automatically added to your ComboBox. Try the following: You might be able to do this, but your syntax is wrong somehow.
In this manner,
You cannot add items to a ComboBox after binding it to a data source. To add or remove items from a ComboBox with a bound data source, you have to do it through data source itself. You can insert a DataRow into your table and it will be automatically added to your ComboBox. Try the following: