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How is custom vision different from computer vision?

Asked by Bodhi Lozano on Dec 01, 2021 FAQ

Unlike the Computer Vision service, Custom Vision allows you to specify the labels and train custom models to detect them. The Custom Vision service uses a machine learning algorithm to analyze images.
In fact,
To summarize, the biggest difference between the two is the Custom Vision service can only do image classification and object detection, as well as take in your own images to perform those against. The Computer Vision APIs can do a bit more, but you don't have any control over how the models are trained. Hope that helps!
Furthermore, Computer vision is traditionally used to automate image processing, and machine vision is the application of computer vision in real-world interfaces, such as a factory line. Looking for high-quality custom datasets for your computer vision or machine vision solution?
Related Fields. Computer Vision overlaps significantly with the following fields: Image Processing: it focuses on image manipulation. Pattern Recognition: it studies various techniques to classify patterns. Photogrammetry: it is concerned with obtaining accurate measurements from images.
Photogrammetry: it is concerned with obtaining accurate measurements from images. Image processing studies image to image transformation. The input and output of image processing are both images. Computer vision is the construction of explicit, meaningful descriptions of physical objects from their image.