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Can a webpack plugin be upgraded to webpack 5?

Asked by Jair Parsons on Dec 14, 2021 FAQ

When using webpack plugins make sure they're upgraded to the latest version, in most cases the latest version will include webpack 5 support. In some cases these upgraded webpack plugins will only support webpack 5. In case you're running into issues you can connect with the community in this help discussion.
In addition,
Some Plugins and Loaders might have a beta version that has to be used in order to be compatible with webpack 5. There might be new errors or warnings because of the upgraded versions of webpack, webpack-cli, Plugins and Loaders. Keep an eye for deprecation warnings during the build.
Moreover, Builders abstract away the bundler dependency, its plugin dependencies, and even configuration processing, to allow us to support both Webpack 4 and 5 simultaneously by configuration: The Webpack 5 upgrade is Storybook's most upvoted Github issue. Since 6.2 is a minor release, Webpack 4 is still the default builder.
For an existing Storybook, upgrade to the latest version, add @storybook/builder-webpack5, and set the core.builder configuration in.storybook/main.js (full instructions). Once you’ve upgraded, your components, styles, and stories will be bundled with webpack5 and webpack5-compatible loaders/plugins.
You can use webpack-merge as shown in production guide to optimize configurations. These plugins can be removed from configuration as they are default in production mode: These plugins were deprecated and are now removed: The CommonsChunkPlugin was removed. Instead the optimization.splitChunks options can be used.