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Can a gif be displayed in uiimageview?

Asked by Tanner Costa on Dec 13, 2021 FAQ

The UIImage object cannot be used for this. Even though it supports GIF images, any animation will be discarded and only the first frame will be shown. So, if you need to display an animated GIF inside an iPhone app, you're screwed. Code needs to be written... Take a look here :… – fyasar Aug 2 '11 at 14:00
For example, you can use the UIImageView class to display the contents of many standard image files, such as JPEG and PNG files. You can configure image views programmatically or in your storyboard file and change the images they display at runtime.
And, 9 The iPhone OS cannot and will not display animated GIF images properly. The UIImage object cannot be used for this. Even though it supports GIF images, any animation will be discarded and only the first frame will be shown. So, if you need to display an animated GIF inside an iPhone app, you're screwed.
Any transparency in the image allows the image view’s background to show through. Similarly, any further transparency in the background of the image is dependent on the transparency of the image view and the transparency of the UIImage object it displays.
Also Know,
Image view. An image view uses its contentMode property and the configuration of the image itself to determine how to display the image. It is best to specify images whose dimensions match the dimensions of the image view exactly, but image views can scale your images to fit all or some of the available space.