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What is docker and docker container?

Asked by Camden Hunt on Dec 02, 2021 Docker

The main difference between Docker and container is that a Docker is a platform to build, run and manage software containers while a container is a lightweight software that provides operating system virtualization to run applications and its dependencies in resource isolated processes.
Docker Image is a set of files which has no state, whereas Docker Container is the instantiation of Docker Image. In other words, Docker Container is the run time instance of images.
Furthermore, At the Log Analytics Docker Kubernetes GitHub page, there are files that you can use with or without your secret information. The Log Analytics agent for Linux DaemonSet yaml file uses secret information (omsagent-ds-secrets.yaml) with secret generation scripts to generate the secrets yaml (omsagentsecret.yaml) file.
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Grab STDIN/STDOUT control of a running container. Useful to debug with pdb. Once the program has stopped in your pdb line, you can run inv docker.attach web and jump into a pdb session (it also works with ipdb and pdb++) You can hit CTRL-p CTRL-p to detach it without stopping the running process.
For this quickstart, you use default settings to deploy the public Microsoft aci-helloworld image. This sample Linux image packages a small web app written in Node.js that serves a static HTML page. You can also bring your own container images stored in Azure Container Registry, Docker Hub, or other registries.