Docker architecture

Docker uses the client-server (C/S) schema pattern and a remote API to manage and create Docker containers.

Docker containers are created by Docker images.

Containers have a similar relationship to mirrors to objects and classes in object-oriented programming.

Docker Object-oriented
Container Object
Mirror Class

Docker architecture

Concept Description

Docker Mirror (Images)

Docker mirroring is a template for creating Docker containers, such as Ubuntu systems.

Docker Container

A container is one or a group of apps that runs independently and is an entity that mirrors the runtime.

Docker Client

Docker clients communicate with Docker's daemons using the Docker API ( on the command line or other tools.

Docker Host

A physical or virtual machine is used to perform Docker daemons and containers.

Docker Warehouse (Registry)

Docker repositories are used to hold images and can be understood as code repositories in code control.

Docker Hub ( provides a large collection of mirrors for use.

Docker Machine

Docker Machine is a command-line tool that simplifies Docker installation, allowing you to install Docker on platforms such as VirtualBox, Digital Ocean, and Microsoft Azure with a simple command line.