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Why was cassandra called the cassandra of troy?

Asked by Crosby Dillon on Nov 30, 2021 Cassandra

Cassandra foretold the fall of Troy and other disastrous happenings, though she was ignored. Now, the label Cassandra is typically reserved for those who claim to see impending doom. Get Word of the Day delivered to your inbox!
Cassandra (metaphor) The term originates in Greek mythology. Cassandra was a daughter of Priam, the King of Troy. Struck by her beauty, Apollo provided her with the gift of prophecy, but when Cassandra refused Apollo's romantic advances, he placed a curse ensuring that nobody would believe her warnings.
In respect to this, Princess, priestess, and prophetess Cassandra of Troy lived under a terrible curse; she could see the future and had to speak the truth, but no one would ever believe her. A character from Greek mythology, her story has fascinated audiences for thousands of years.
A Trojan woman, the daughter of Hecuba and Priam. As a young woman she was cursed by the god Apollo, and given the ability to see the future. However, her curse dictates that no one believes her prophecies, and so she is able to see events before they unfold but is unable to prevent them.
According to Homer’s Iliad Alexandra (Cassandra) was the offspring of King Priam the ruler of Troy.